Contacting C.C. about dealer

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  • mxzx6780
    • Apr 2007
    • 5

    Contacting C.C. about dealer

    Who should I contact about dealer problems. Bought a boat from a dealer and still don't have title. Been over a month. The worst of it is that we have no way to get MC #'s so every time we go to a lake, we get questioned about the registration. Getting to be a hassle to ski. I would have never bought the boat if I would have known. The only reason we didn't buy locally was the color was what we wanted and couldn't find it in our area.
  • Hollywood
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 1930

    • WIIL

    RE: Contacting C.C. about dealer

    your story is lacking a lot details that could be of use for us to help you.

    is the boat fully paid for?
    what is the reason the dealer has for not sending the title?


    • mxzx6780
      • Apr 2007
      • 5

      RE: Contacting C.C. about dealer

      The 06 boat is paid for. It all started back in March. Set up a day to look at boat, got there to see boat dirty, very dirty. Not that big of deal. Decide to buy boat as long as it comes clean. Want to pick up in 4 days but dealer says it can't be ready. We live 4 hours away from the dealer. Finally after several calls and 18 days later we agree to meet and test drive. Dealer is late. No biggy. Finally gets there with a chipped platform. Dealer agrees to take back and send a good one the next day. Fine, it is April now. 2 weeks go by and finally get a platform that has been painted, but still has a few chips. At least we can crawl in the boat now. And it is defenitely not worth the hassle to get fixed. It has been since the middle of April that the check for the 06 boat cleared. it is now second week of May and no title. Never had a purchase experience quite like this. The boat is nice, happy about that part.
      Maybe I am impatient, but it just seems like the entire transaction is taking way too long.


      • ffmedic74
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • Jul 2003
        • 835

        • Lexington, KY

        RE: Contacting C.C. about dealer

        I say you are not impatient at all. If it were an automobile, the dealer would take care of everything in a quick manner and you better believe it would be clean and everything would be in good working order!


        • core-rider
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • Feb 2004
          • 1348

          • Huntsville, AL

          • 2003 Black SANTE

          First off, you shouldn't need the title to get registration numbers for your boat. You should be able to get them with a bill of sale of similar paperwork showing you bought the boat for X amount on X day from X dealer. Probably the same piece of paper your showing whatever water patrol pulls you over when you explain to them where the numbers are. No different than buying a car.

          With that being said, if you paid for the boat in full at the dealer your not waiting on them for the title... Your waiting on your local government to re-title the boat in your name. It usually takes about 6 weeks I think. Your state maybe different form mine.

          IMO, it sounds like your dealer is either lazy or just doesn't care when it comes to selling boats considering the treatment you had. I had similar dealing with my dealer and after putting up with it so long I finally put my foot down and got some things handled. It helps if you give you dealer a bad review on those question and answer sheet CC like to send after buying a new boat.

          If you really want to call CC just call their 1800 number and ask for customer service. I don't know if it will get you anywhere with your dealer, but it might make you feel better to vent to the manufacturer. Go easy on them though... there are some great guys there that will try and do what they can for you.
          All black 2003 SANTE
          -- Southern Fried --


          • surroundsound64
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Jul 2005
            • 2147

            • Longview, TX

            • 2018 230 1981 Ski Nautique

            I sent a letter to CC's customer service department a few summers ago when I was having problems with a dealer. CC was great and helped solve the problem rather quickly.
            2018 SAN 230
            1981 Ski Nautique
            Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
            Sold - 2000 SAN


            • AuMDLST
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Apr 2007
              • 870

              • Orlando, FL (Butler Chain)

              core-rider has correct information - bill of sale is all you need to register - at least in Florida - Title comes from the State Capitol you are in - my title did not show for 8 weeks
              2006 SANTE 210 (Pending Sale)
              2005 206 TE (Previous)
              1994 SNOB (First Nautique/Boat)


              • mopowpow
                • Jun 2006
                • 19

                Would you by any chanch be dealing with Mark at Son Watersports in Anoka MN? We are so fed up with him that we might even look at Mastercrafts or Malibu's the next time we are in the market for a new boat.


                • skijones
                  • Mar 2005
                  • 235

                  • COLUMBUS OH

                  • 1985 2001 1999 Snob

                  Had the same thing happen to me when I bought my 99. Had to raise cain with the manager at the dealership to get my bill of sale, much less the title. You would think a certified check would be good enough


                  • MinnesotaNautique
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 207

                    Would you by any chanch be dealing with Mark at Son Watersports in Anoka MN? We are so fed up with him that we might even look at Mastercrafts or Malibu's the next time we are in the market for a new boat.
                    Yeah...he is a piece of work! Try dealing with Dave (great guy) instead...he's usually there 3 or 4 days a week.


                    • boatech
                      • Aug 2006
                      • 247

                      you want to get back at him a little bit. when you get your survey be honest and grade him the way you should that will get his attention. im not saying lie just answer the questions honestly. trust me all boat manufactures/dealers live off those surveys. he did you wrong dont do him any favors lay into him on the survey.


                      • mxzx6780
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 5

                        It was in Ohio. Finally got everything Monday. Still going to contact C.C. Will be doing the survey also. Love the boat. Nautique defenitely has that going for them.


                        • EarlyRiser
                          • Nov 2005
                          • 171

                          • United States of America

                          Contacting CC about dealer

                          Try the new guy: "Orlando, FLA (April 5, 2007) – World renown ski and wakeboard boat manufacturer, Correct Craft, adds a new member to their executive sales team – National Sales Manager, Mike Yauch....a key industry professional who will help manage its rapidly growing dealer network." ER


                          • Luke
                            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                            • Mar 2003
                            • 509

                            • Des Moines, Iowa

                            Originally posted by mopowpow
                            Would you by any chanch be dealing with Mark at Son Watersports in Anoka MN? We are so fed up with him that we might even look at Mastercrafts or Malibu's the next time we are in the market for a new boat.
                            Not sure what your beef is with Mark, but he's always done right be me. He bent over backwards working with me when I bought my boat a couple of years ago and has always come through when I needed something. I'd buy from him again.

                            He's on the forums often.


                            • mopowpow
                              • Jun 2006
                              • 19

                              Originally posted by Luke
                              Originally posted by mopowpow
                              Would you by any chanch be dealing with Mark at Son Watersports in Anoka MN? We are so fed up with him that we might even look at Mastercrafts or Malibu's the next time we are in the market for a new boat.
                              Not sure what your beef is with Mark, but he's always done right be me. He bent over backwards working with me when I bought my boat a couple of years ago and has always come through when I needed something. I'd buy from him again.

                              He's on the forums often.
                              He has lied to use too many times. We don't believe a word he says. He is so full of SH__ that he shold be selling $1000 used cars.

