Well, after a long absence I am back on the board! I took a break from posting on this board due to other priorities and a belief that if you can't say something nice then.......you know the rest.
So to the topic at hand. Without getting into details I have been through troubled waters with my 05 SV211. However, I post this thread as a advocate for Correct Craft as a company and a believer in their products. After having direct interaction with Correct Craft and watching them live up to their commitments I have more faith in the company now than I ever had before. I have been convinced of two things in the last few months. First, Correct Craft is working hard to build the best ski & wake boats out there. Second, they understand how important their customers and reputation are to their business and company goals.
I now own a 2007 SV211 Team and am very happy with all aspects of the boat. There are tremendous improvements since the first 04 models and first production year 05's.
So to the topic at hand. Without getting into details I have been through troubled waters with my 05 SV211. However, I post this thread as a advocate for Correct Craft as a company and a believer in their products. After having direct interaction with Correct Craft and watching them live up to their commitments I have more faith in the company now than I ever had before. I have been convinced of two things in the last few months. First, Correct Craft is working hard to build the best ski & wake boats out there. Second, they understand how important their customers and reputation are to their business and company goals.
I now own a 2007 SV211 Team and am very happy with all aspects of the boat. There are tremendous improvements since the first 04 models and first production year 05's.