Nautique Quality questioned by dealer

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  • EarlyRiser
    • Nov 2005
    • 171

    • United States of America

    #16 dealer

    From a professional perspective, NP could have easily sent a letter to customers stating they are no longer carrying X brand, but now carrying Y brand. Typically, when relationships end neither party is completely free of responsibility. I find these type of letters no different than the comments posted here by previous employees of CC - a tad biased. IMO, ER


    • lztat573
      • Aug 2006
      • 89

      • Idaho

      • 07 SV211

      Sorry you have had bad luck with them, personally, I have owned 5 Nautiques now and the last two, a 2005 and a 2007 I have bought new and I guess I must be one of the fortunate ones not to have had all these problems that everyone has seemed to have, so for now I will go on defending CC and the product that they put out! Out of the used and new ones that I have owned, I couldn't be happier with the quality I have gotton. From my 1987 to my 2007 I have not seen a slip in quality, they have all held up and been problem free.
      My question to you would be. Have you ever took something apart on your nautique or have you just had your dealer do it? I like to know how things are put together and maybe that is a flaw in me, but you get to know what you spend your hard earnd money on. and after taking some of the things apart on my 211, as i have said before not inpressed. but still a nautique fan.


      • RLS
        • Aug 2007
        • 205

        • Northen California

        • 2007 SV211 1998 Malibu Sunsetter

        I just pick up my SV 211. First 24 hours found;

        As I hooked up the new boat to drive out, the door over the walk-way out of the boat opened. Backed back into the dealers lot and they had to pull a door off a different 211 to fix it. The first door scratched the gel coat and it will have to be repaired.

        Got the boat home and my wife found the cushion over the cooler had been missed stitched.

        Found a few gel coat blemishes that are large enough that they will have to be filled.

        Even with those problems I would still buy CC first. I just sold my 1998 Malibu Sunsetter. It is a great boat and it was very well built. Better than the new Malibus.

        As a new owner of a CC this thread concerns me.


        • nautique95
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
          • Apr 2005
          • 420

          • Michigan

          • 1987 SN 2001 1994 SN 1995 Signature Edition 2005 206 Air Limited 2007 SV211 Team

          lztat, I do all my own maintanance on my boats and yes, I have everything apart when I get my boat for the first time, even the new ones to give them a good overall cleaning. I too like to know the ins and outs of my boat, so I do dig into them. On my '05 I installed PP, ran a helm ballast control valve, plus gave my dealer an idea on a bucket system to make running and winterizing the engine and ballast easier and faster, which they are still using, so I would say that I get pretty in depth.
          I am not saying that people aren't having issues out there, but what is wrong with adding some praise when you haven't had problems, it is just another side to a story.


          • lztat573
            • Aug 2006
            • 89

            • Idaho

            • 07 SV211

            but what is wrong with adding some praise when you haven't had problems, it is just another side to a story.
            Nothing, and I agree. but what do I do about the laziness of the installed stuff on my boat, to fix it, it would just leave exposed holes moving the trash can holder around. what is CC going to do? I will be talking to my dealer about some of these things when i get done using it for the summer. Because I think CC should take care of the sloppy work they let out the door. I am a contractor and when someone finds something they do not like that I have done I just fix it and don't think they are winners I just think they are like me want things as next to perfect as possible, and I have absolutley no problems doing it. A side note, I don't have to fix a lot because I'm the perfectionist.
            I did talk to my boat dealer the other day who said that there was a boat company in Florida that shut their doors, and this would be a good chance for CC to whittle out their lazy employees and gain some responsible employees. And all I can say is that I hope they do it, because then I'm sure that we will see a change in the quality of the boats coming out the door. I have found in the construction world that now days most everybody just wants a paycheck, and it's hard to find ones who care.


            • nautique95
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Apr 2005
              • 420

              • Michigan

              • 1987 SN 2001 1994 SN 1995 Signature Edition 2005 206 Air Limited 2007 SV211 Team

              I have found in the construction world that now days most everybody just wants a paycheck, and it's hard to find ones who care.
              I agree 100% with you on that! We are in the masonry and farming business and we see the same thing everyday in the masonry end of it!
              I too am very anal about things, especially when it comes to my boat, I have been over it with a fine tooth comb and so far (knock on wood) everything seems to be right on.


              • rodltg2
                • Oct 2006
                • 100

                • Rocklin

                i've owned many boats in the past, a 91 ski brendella, 2000 mb sports, 04 mc 197, 93 mc ps190, 05 malibu response, 01 mc ps 190 and currenlty now have 2, a wakecraft and newest to me a 06 sn196.

                in my opinion they have all been good boats and have had there share of problems. just some more than others. in every single one i have found loose screws laying around. you got to realize that boats take alot of abuse . of course things will rattle loose. .

                as far as power plant goes in my opinion the weakest one is the indmar . both my malibu and mc's were very problematic. the intake fuel pump design on the mc is ridiculous. its not a matter of "if" its going to fail it's "when". brendella, mb, and my wakecraft all use PCM and i had zero problems with the motors. only routine maintnence. im hoping for the same with my 196.

                the fit and finish on all the boats seem great. the brendella however was somewhat cheaper and used alot of wood so that turned out to be a problem 10 years later. bu's and mc's seem to be a bit more stylish. imho the new 190/197 are the best looking slalom boats.out of all them aside from the brendella, the bu was last. very loud and ratttled alot more than the rest.

                as far as performance goes the nautique wins hands down. now this is based on slalom course skiing. so i dont know about the other models. i would rank it nautique, malibu, mc, mb , brendella. one thing i could never understand is how mc could have put out such a horrible hull design on the ps190 between 98-2001.

                all boat brands are going to have there issues. the important thing is how it gets handled by the dealer/manufacturer. my water time is precious to me and i've had the best luck with PCM's realibilty . so im happy to stay with nautique as long as they produce such an awesome slalom machine!


                • aarond0083
                  Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                  • Aug 2006
                  • 686

                  • Triangle, NC

                  I have owned an 04 SAN 210 and now own an 07. Quality on the 2007 seems just as good if not better than my 2004. Nothing major with either boat and I am up to 75 hours on my new 210.

                  I have had minor little issues with both boats that my dealer took care of with warranty. The dealer ships me the part or item I request and I put it on myself. Simple as that. Things like a light rings popping off, missing latch on my trap door, missing screw here and there. I think it is laziness in QC for a boat to leave the factory with missing parts as the in the case of my latch but I also take into account how far these boats travel once they leave. Screws can vibrate loose and it takes 30 seconds to put a new one in. CC still makes the highest quality boat as far as I am concerned, and every boat will have these types of issues, no matter which brand you buy.
                  Previous Nautiques
                  2012 210
                  2009 210
                  2007 210
                  2004 210


                  • Kenv
                    1,000 Post Club Member
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 1070

                    • Texas

                    • 2021 G23 Previous 2015 G21 2010 226 2005 226 2000 Super Air


                    I agree with your post on screws and pieces coming loose, that happens on most all boats. I'll screw in a missing or loose screw here or there - no big deal. What I noticed the most on the Nautiques is how far off the placement of the seat cushions are. Look at some of the back seats and bow areas. How could the installer/s miss by more than an inch side to side and not notice it!! It looks like crap but the factory let it go out like that. I'm talking about where the seatback cushions are mounted to the boat. Even the grab handles are off. Go out and look at some of your boats. You will spot some sloppy placement. Also, there is a big difference between a loose or missing screw with one that is purposely mounted, still in tact, and poking through the vinyl. I love my Nautique, but I'm just amazing at some of the sloppiness.


                    • rodltg2
                      • Oct 2006
                      • 100

                      • Rocklin

                      Originally posted by Kenv

                      I agree with your post on screws and pieces coming loose, that happens on most all boats. I'll screw in a missing or loose screw here or there - no big deal. What I noticed the most on the Nautiques is how far off the placement of the seat cushions are. Look at some of the back seats and bow areas. How could the installer/s miss by more than an inch side to side and not notice it!! It looks like crap but the factory let it go out like that. I'm talking about where the seatback cushions are mounted to the boat. Even the grab handles are off. Go out and look at some of your boats. You will spot some sloppy placement. Also, there is a big difference between a loose or missing screw with one that is purposely mounted, still in tact, and poking through the vinyl. I love my Nautique, but I'm just amazing at some of the sloppiness.

                      i've never noticed anything like that on any boat , mine or others. is this something you've noticed on your boat alon or other cc as well?


                      • mopowpow
                        • Jun 2006
                        • 19

                        Our 2007 196 is a mess. We've found bare wires on our heater, there were plugs missing on our perfect pass, bilge pump isn't working,. stitiching on seats coming loose, etc...
                        Can you say LEMON?


                        • SGY
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Jul 2003
                          • 990

                          Originally posted by mopowpow
                          Our 2007 196 is a mess. We've found bare wires on our heater, there were plugs missing on our perfect pass, bilge pump isn't working,. stitiching on seats coming loose, etc...
                          Can you say LEMON?
                          Holy Crap! Are you in contact with the factory about this boat? How does it run?


                          • onlyinboards1
                            • Jul 2007
                            • 47

                            Not sure if this has been said or not, but the guy from MC of Charlotte contacted me a week ago or so about getting 10 new CC's from a dealer who got dropped by them and he's liquidating them cheap. I'm just going to assume this is the smae dealer.
                            Hundreds of New & Used Nautiques for Sale at


                            • MARK-S
                              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                              • Jul 2003
                              • 764

                              • SE MINN

                              • 1978 Ski Tique 1996 196 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008 196s Best boats made

                              I have had a new boat every year since 2000 and have had no problems with anything on all of the boats.
                              But do not get me started on the 3 RLXIs we have had on our lift at the club dock.
                              Life long Nautique guy
                              Will ski anytime.
                              \"SON WATERSPORTS ROCKS\"


                              • SNMike
                                1,000 Post Club Member
                                • May 2005
                                • 1001

                                • Florida

                                Originally posted by MARK-S
                                I have had a new boat every year since 2000 and have had no problems with anything on all of the boats.
                                But do not get me started on the 3 RLXIs we have had on our lift at the club dock.
                                (whispers to MARK-S ...."c'mon man tell me...............I won't say anything) 8-) Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
                                2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
                                Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead

