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If 17.06 is the best ZO can do for holding speed I'll stick with my PP. I thought all the pulls were supposed to be exactly right, as in actual, which in the case of 34.2MPH would be a 16.95.
It must have been a test run without positional calibration or possbily not even in the course. The 0 - 4 segments are smoking fast.
I was at a tournament where it was used for one round. At 34mph, I think the worse deviation was .02.
If 17.06 is the best ZO can do for holding speed I'll stick with my PP. I thought all the pulls were supposed to be exactly right, as in actual, which in the case of 34.2MPH would be a 16.95.
It must have been a test run without positional calibration or possbily not even in the course. The 0 - 4 segments are smoking fast.
I was at a tournament where it was used for one round. At 34mph, I think the worse deviation was .02.
Ok, so how did those times show up then? How does ZO measure times? I thought all ZO did was to set up the gas such that the boat went the speed that was asked for. Times have to come from something else...
OP- sorry for the continued thread jack, it really is a good lookin boat and I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun.
A little OT, but why the switch to white rubber on the platform from the old black?
I haven't read about any Nautiques having this problem, but I've heard of plenty of people with fiberglass platforms from MC complain about tracking black marks onto their interior. I believe they have since switched supliers for their inserts, but that may be the reason for the switch on CC's part. Just a guess.
A little OT, but why the switch to white rubber on the platform from the old black?
I haven't read about any Nautiques having this problem, but I've heard of plenty of people with fiberglass platforms from MC complain about tracking black marks onto their interior. I believe they have since switched supliers for their inserts, but that may be the reason for the switch on CC's part. Just a guess.
Just a follow up. I was at my dealer today and asked them about the switch. The answer, when it would get hot, they were having issues with the black inserts sticking to peoples feet, i.e., coming off, and then getting tracked on the vinyl.
As an aside, he told me that if you scrub the white inserts with a wet rag, the residue is purple. Strange???