I have kinda been looking at V drives and noitced some have the pylons in the middle of the seating and some have the pylon in the front of the engine where the seating ends. Obviuosly the better placement but I never noticed when that change was made. Any help?
I have a 95 super sport, and I put a tower on it , and took out the center pole, and filled the hole. There still is a pull tie on the back of the boat for tubes, ect. now if you looking to ski off it, well you shouldnt buy a v-drive in the first place.
Here's what I did with my SSN ski pole (which IMO was the worst place to put the pole in the first place); put a tower on the boat and take out the ski pole:
To cover up the hole I just went to Lowes and got a shower drain cover for $1.99 and was set. The pole itself is very easy to remove if you choose to go that route.