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garage clearance required for boats on trailers with a tower
garage clearance required for boats on trailers with a tower
I am going to put a CC tower on my 210 super sport and need to know if it will go through my 7' garage door opening with the tower folded down as far as it will go that is? The boat will be on a ram-lin trailer.
2008 Super Air Nautique 210
2003 Super Air Nautique Team 210
2001 Super Air Nautique Team 210
1999 Super Air Nautique 210
1994 Mastercraft Prostar 190
1992 Manta Ray 189 Sport
RE: garage clearance required for boats on trailers with a t
It depends on what model the boat is. Prior to the model change in 07, most of them would. My '03 SANTE 210 fit with about an inch to spare. I have been looking at a new boat and was about to pull the plug and buy it. I started taking measurements though and apparently Correct Craft decided that making the boat fit into a standard 7' garage was not an important design factor. With the standard Nautique tower, it was measuring 89" to the highest point with the tower down on a Ram-lin trailer. Too bad, as that decision will cost them sales....
I have the same problem. so i lower the front of my trailer so i fits. I do this by putting the trailer on a little trolly or whatever you want call it that i made out of 6 in lawn mower wheels. It sits about 1\2 off the ground and I lower the tongue of the trailer down on to it with a car jack and then push it through and then jack it back up again. It takes about 10 extra minutes but it gets it in and I can do it buy myself..been doing it for about 5 yrs..
My door is 7' and my 01' SAN (on a RamLin) clears by about an inch. My garage door opener is vital as it pulls the lip of the garage door clear up to the max height of the garage door opening. Without the opener, the garage door hangs a few inches down and the tower height won't clear w/out a 2nd person holding the door open all the way.