Yup. I have an old 400lb sac that I through on top of the pro ballast bag... I filled about 1/2, so 200lbs I guess. I took my storage trays out because I figured someone would try to use them as a step. The local board shop owner as a 750 that he'll let me use to see how it fills up the locker. Then I'll order bags I guess.
Seachicken: The boat lift, size and costs issues lead me to the 210 as well. Like you, I decided I didn't need that much boat, particularly for the money. I am more than happy with the 210, and the incremental differences in wake would have been lost on my son and me. Nice to have you confirm what I speculated.
I guess I don't recall if they were the Straight Line or Fly High but with the rear tanks removed I still had 8" of overhead room with the bag filled. Enough for a couple of life jackets or ropes. The piggy back bag in the bow was a 650 but probably only fills to 400 due to the space. Still nice to keep all the ballast hidden and automated.
I borrowed a 750 lb sac and I'll put it in place of the 400 lb sac this afternoon. So that should be an extra 350 lbs +/- on the surf side. I'll try to experiment with adding a sac on top of the non surf side while we are out.
One thing I haven't tested is... On the G21, G23, one of the pro riders recommends not overweighting the boat but instead fill rear factory full, belly maybe 1/4 full. I've ridden this wave personally and loved it! I tried this on our 2013 210 but the results were poor. I may try this tonight if I get time. With NSS, Hydrogate, new hull shape and speed maybe there will be something.?
I'll post up what I find tonight.
I'll be pulling the surf competition for the MN Spring Ride in a few weeks so hoping to have this boat dialed.
The 1100's are Fly high sacs in the back of F725's old (my new) 2013 210. There is room for some vests when full and when empty I can store a couple wakeboards and small surfboard in each side which is nice for transport and storage. I just put them on the rack at the lake and fill up the sacs. I store a deflated tube on top when sacs are full (for my 3 year old son only I promise!) and a few vests no problem. Hope this helps!
Ok thanks zhadley. I was going to pull the tanks and put 750's but if 1100's still have a bit of room then I might as well do that. Do the ballast gauges still run off the time the pumps are running to show approx fill of the bag or do they not work at all now the hard tanks are gone.
Seveet, seems to create a consistent wave on both sides with a bit of lean towards port. I've been tweaking our 2014 still but so far running slight lean towards port and still make a great wave on the starboard side.
Today I thru a 750 in place of pro ballast bag on port side, left starboard side as is but full. Also filled belly full and again tested with a 200 in bow. Wave was ridiculous! At least on port side, didn't check starboard. Just me and a buddy out. He weighs maybe 170, I weigh an astonishing 130. So no extra weight to speak of.
Hydrogate 1 (vert)
Speed 10.5-10.6
Produced wave in photo. Great shape, nice hard lip, and real good length.1 Photo
We finished the set by draining the belly to 1/8 full and gave it a try.
Hydrogate 1 (vert)
Speed. 10.7-10.8
Rear still full both sides (pro starboard , 750 in port plus tank)
We did not surf this bit looked good from the boat. I did not expect to see what we saw in the attached photo.1 Photo
Thx for the input. I tried this today while I was driving around with my daughter. I am not sure the exact weight. I had the belly full plus a integrated bow sac full (approx 500) and duel 750's complete full on top of the hard tanks in the back. I started playing around with dumping bow weight and weight out of the starboard side while maintaining the bow weight. Once I dumped approximately 1/8 of the ballast on the starboard side, I noticed a significant increase in the length and shape of the wake. Dumping the bow weight didn't seem to help as much.
Sounds like you're on thrle right track. It used to be in the 2013's and earlier, bow weight was critical, at least for the 210's. But next time I go I will start with no bow weight and very little belly. Had no problem catching air on the wave we surfed today. So fun!!