Wake Surf plates

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  • keroqueen
    • Apr 2020
    • 10

    • Minneapolis mn

    • 2019 GS20

    Wake Surf plates

    VERY new to wake surf boats...We have a few hours on the GS20 and that's it. I understand the 2 plates on each aft side are NSS plates and the middle is NCRS. When setting these up for surfing, is there a point when the plates are not extended for surfing? My kids have surfed a lot on different boats and could not find the "sweet spot" to let go of the rope on the GS20. I'm sure we are doing something wrong and there is A LOT of trial and error in the process. The one thing we noticed is the NSS plates are not extended in any configuration. Thoughts?
  • charlesml3
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Jan 2008
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    • Lake Gaston, NC

    • 2022 G23

    Originally posted by keroqueen View Post
    VERY new to wake surf boats...We have a few hours on the GS20 and that's it. I understand the 2 plates on each aft side are NSS plates and the middle is NCRS. When setting these up for surfing, is there a point when the plates are not extended for surfing? My kids have surfed a lot on different boats and could not find the "sweet spot" to let go of the rope on the GS20. I'm sure we are doing something wrong and there is A LOT of trial and error in the process. The one thing we noticed is the NSS plates are not extended in any configuration. Thoughts?
    I bet you're looking at the wrong side. If you're surfing on the Port side of the boat, the Starboard plate extends.



    • greggmck
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
      • Oct 2014
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      • Bellevue WA

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      EVERY new surfer initially has trouble holding the wave. Fill all ballast, set NSS to 0 and NCRS to 5 to provide the most push. Set your speed to 11.2 and drive your boat with a tail wind. Surf with the boat in this configuration. When surfing always put pressure on the toe side edge of the board. This causes the board to carve into the wave, the wave pushes back and you achieve equilibrium. The best way to do this is move your feet so that your ankle bones are about in the middle of the board. Now bend your knees, face the wave (not the boat) and surf until you can do this instinctively. All the best!


      • XBIGPUN66
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • Oct 2012
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        • 2014 SAN 210 TE. NSS. Pro ballast.

        Is it possible that nss was deselected in the menu and therefore not activating?

        Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

        Ian S
        2014 SANTE. NSS. Pro balllast. Boatmate trailer
        2004 SANTE. 4000 lb ballast, 2013 graphics (prev). Ramlin trailer
        2009 Moomba Outback (prev). Boatmate trailer

