Wondering if there is a go to shaper you guys (and gals ) are using ?? I have been using a homemade one for years , its fine ( i think ) . Just wondering if any major advancements in the shaper industry , or just continue with what i have . Thanks ,
I've been using a Mission Delta V2 for a few years now and it works great. That said I haven't tried anything else. I have 3 other friends that use either the Delta V1 or V2 with good results as well but they bought a Delta after trying one of ours and never tried anything else. I recently saw a video of a product I never saw before called Surf Mode that's supposed to be better than traditional shapers but I haven't seen one in the wild or tried one on my boat. I'd love to as the videos seem to make a good case for their product but I'm not willing to drop the coin to experiment. Here's a link to their product.....
Not the same hull, but I have used DIY shapers and a NautiCurl FLEX on my 211. My BL needs the FLEX for his Mastercraft due to the hull shape. Any differences between the two have been negligible, as far as I can tell. Location seems to play a bigger factor, for me.
I use and recommend:
For those in Australia and New Zealand
or for those in the USA