Gunna make a couple more coosa board panels. These will be removable covers for the rear locker area. The rear lockers had these pockets cut out of the floor to allow for the hard tank ballast empty pump to sit. I’m going bagged ballast so these aren’t really necessary and so want to build a removable cover panel for them. The glass work in these pockets is really sloppy so some grinding and patch work is needed to straighten up edges and corners.
Thought the black finish was gel coat but went to wipe down the areas with acetone for glassing and noticed the rag turned black... must be spray paint or something so it will need to be removed. Might as well do the entire area and then can pressure wash it all off after the paint stripper has worked its magic.
This black stuff is a pain. It might be some kind of bilge coat or something. The paint stripper didn’t work too well it helped soften it and a wire wheel on my grinder is doing the rest. I think rather than build a panel for these pockets I’m just going to foam them in and glass them into the rest of the floor. They each have drains into the bilge and just trap dirty bilge water and crud so by glassing them in I can also close up the drains that run through the stringers and that way I won’t have dirty bilge water getting trapped in these pockets and having to clean them out all the time.
Filling in all the remaining fiberglass weave and low spots with some Adtech P14. It’s a rigid machinable polyester filler that is safe for below the water line so moisture isn’t an issue and it sands fairly easy. Before I cover it up for good....thought I’d give a shout out to Billy and Bear who installed the carpet at the factory and put there names on the drivers seat mount. I wonder if they still work at nautique????
Sort of off your subject.....but i am curious....I was in this place last winter in my restore.....afte everything wa spot back together and in use.....I thought it would be nice to have the seat mounted higher up....or is taller the right word? I just don't like sitting so low in the hull. 5 six inches would be so much nicer for me. Any thoughts on this, or have you heard of this being done? Thanks D
Never heard of it done except by using a bolster pad directly over the seat. That’s not a bad idea though come to think of it I do the same thing and prop myself up especially when towing someone. I think something like a spacer that fits between the seat frame rails and this fiberglass box built into the floor. Easy to make and could be removed and put back to stock if boat was sold.
I have 3 gallons of color matched gel coat from spectrum.... since this is my first time working with gel coat I made up some samples cards from the Fiberglass products I used in the hull to ensure compatibility with this gel coat I’m using. Applied with a brush even though I’ll be spraying it in the hull. Wasn’t expecting any problems and it look like it’s curing and bonding nicely and the color is spot on between all three batches and the exterior of the hull.
And one more simple but important modification. So everyone complains about the bow of these boats always being damp and smelling of mildew. I added a drain hole at the back end of the bow area. There is already one at the front but the front is usually the highest point so for all the complaints about bow carpet mildew in these older boats, this is why..... add a drain hole.
You’re planet Naituque’s mad scientist. Very impressed with the extra attention to detail you’ve put in. Every time the little voice in your head says don’t work on the boat, just know we’re all waiting to see the final product. You gotta want to finish this boat more than you want to breath. You have to want it more than want you wanna party. You have to want it as much as you want to be cool. You have to want it more than you want sleep. And I’m here to tell you today, if you want to finish this boat, you gotta be willing to give up sleep. You gotta be willing to work with 3 hours of sleep, 2 hours of sleep, if you really wanna finish this boat. Some day you’re gonna have to stay up 3 days in a row. Because if you go to sleep you might miss the opportunity to work on this boat.That’s how bad you gotta want it! That was my attempt of a motivational speech with some help from Eric Thomas. Keep up the great work man, we’re all counting on you!
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