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I started working on the seadek walthrough. My seadek provider has a cnc machine and was willing to cut both the pvc sheet and the aluminum piece with it so they and the seadek are the exact same size.
I first screwed the pvc sheet to the center hatch then counter sunk bolts through both the aluminum plate and pvc.
The pvc sheet is there for the upholstery guy to have something to staple the vinyl to. Cushion will run up all the way around this plate.
In the end it will be in this order:
1. Seadek
2. Aluminum
3. Vinyl stapled
4. Pvc sheet screwed to hatch
5. Hatch/fiberglass foam core
This gives a visual representation of how the vinyl ans seadek sandwich will work. Pen and pencil being staples. The vinyl gets staples down to the pvc sheet and the aluminum plate bolts on top hiding the staples.
Yanked the tower for a paint touch up.thinking I'll go haze gray on all of it. Also I'm doing the costal raptor finish which is like a bed liner type material. It should still look nice and will stay nice longer. Age well.