I’ve been meaning to post this for while - we had a baby several weeks back and haven't made it to the lake yet, so I figured I'd use the time we would have been on the lake today to share.
Boat: 2003 Sport Nautique 216 Limited
Project Start: March 2019
My wife and I had been looking for a stock Sport Nautique from the 90’s, like the one she had growing up, for a while. After several months of looking, nothing came available that met our criteria. One of my coworkers, who has restored a number of DD ski boats, talked me into looking for the cheapest/roughest boat I could find with a good compression test...which led me to a 216 in east Texas.
The boat was purchased by a family in the Northeast and then turned back into Nautique within a year, and Nautique sent it to Sea World-San Antonio until 2007-2008 (I heard the show was either canceled or downsized at this point). The boat was then sent to a summer camp in east Texas, where it pulled wakeboarders and tubes for a number of years in a fleet of nautique camp boats.
I’m a sucker for a deal and a story-and this had both, so I drove to east Texas to take a look at it. What everyone said about camp boats was true, it was ROUGH. Everything was loose and had play/rattled. The vinyl and carpet had large holes throughout, lots of damage to the gel coat, and there was red mud everywhere. But, mechanically, it appeared to be sound.
So I bought it - here’s why:
Work that was done to restore:
Before Pictures

During Pictures

After Pictures

The boat is still a work in progress - needs decals (can’t decide on what to go with) and trailer needs either repaired or replaced (would like a tandem axle), but due to having a baby, minimal work will happen this year. Anyway, we did spend a number of days on it late last year and even took it to Table Rock Lake for a long weekend, and have loved it. Runs very well and we’re making some good memories on it.
I have a lot more pictures, if there are specific questions. Let me know!
Boat: 2003 Sport Nautique 216 Limited
Project Start: March 2019
My wife and I had been looking for a stock Sport Nautique from the 90’s, like the one she had growing up, for a while. After several months of looking, nothing came available that met our criteria. One of my coworkers, who has restored a number of DD ski boats, talked me into looking for the cheapest/roughest boat I could find with a good compression test...which led me to a 216 in east Texas.
The boat was purchased by a family in the Northeast and then turned back into Nautique within a year, and Nautique sent it to Sea World-San Antonio until 2007-2008 (I heard the show was either canceled or downsized at this point). The boat was then sent to a summer camp in east Texas, where it pulled wakeboarders and tubes for a number of years in a fleet of nautique camp boats.
I’m a sucker for a deal and a story-and this had both, so I drove to east Texas to take a look at it. What everyone said about camp boats was true, it was ROUGH. Everything was loose and had play/rattled. The vinyl and carpet had large holes throughout, lots of damage to the gel coat, and there was red mud everywhere. But, mechanically, it appeared to be sound.
So I bought it - here’s why:
- Good Compression Test
- Maintenance HIstory- The camp had about a dozen inboard DD’s and had a Mastercraft trained mechanic on staff, who was meticulous about maintaining the motors - in the 10+ years he had been there, they had never replaced a motor in any of their boats and all of them had over 1000 hours.
- And...it was cheap - about 20% of the current market for these boats.
Work that was done to restore:
- Gel Coat was patched where needed
- Wet Sand, polish, wax
- New Rub rail
- New Carpet throughout and on vertical surfaces
- Replaced Vinyl with OEM pattern
- Replaced broken component in Faria Gateway Box - which went from 2-3 gauges working to 5 gauges working after the repair.
- Plugged speedo line and added Perfect Pass.
- Cleaned interior hard vinyl surfaces
- New Speakers - existing Clarion head unit works well
- Replaced Packing on rudder and drive shaft(and aligned), replaced mounts.
- Replaced all lights and re-wired bilge and other accessories that weren’t working.
- Repair/refinish swim platform
- Re-fiberglassed wrapped muffler
- Had Aluminum walk through support re-welded
- Small fortune in misc hardware from NautiqueParts, Mniboats, and Skidim
Before Pictures
During Pictures
After Pictures
The boat is still a work in progress - needs decals (can’t decide on what to go with) and trailer needs either repaired or replaced (would like a tandem axle), but due to having a baby, minimal work will happen this year. Anyway, we did spend a number of days on it late last year and even took it to Table Rock Lake for a long weekend, and have loved it. Runs very well and we’re making some good memories on it.
I have a lot more pictures, if there are specific questions. Let me know!