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Here's the blush for the rear seating design. Two "1/4" seats( as I call them) and a multi-use center section that is for a rem seat cushion, seadek step pad w/storage cubby. The 1/4 seats can be moved to & slot right-in either side of the motorbox for flex seating if someone is tubing, skiing or on a surfboard.
The back rest is 1/4" HDPE molded (like the speaker panels) and it has the tan strip/carbon weave and grain treatment that is used throughout. Rather than having a UV battered single pce swoop-around back rest, I'm using a 60's T-bird-style with the Ski Nautique decal featured center on the exposed deck mold. So the back rest vinyl is in three pcs too.
Not to say I'm going to build it anytime soon . Fall is coming!
Trailer refurb is done! All new wood steps, bow pads, lighting, reflectors, bunk carpet, guides and frame clean up. Didn't do the brakes, the surge controller would have to be renewed. We are probably under the 1500kg allowable limit for use without them I think. Tires are original, low miles, slight cracking... too old of course for distance. Bearings always greased and turn quietly.
Took apart the jack to get PB blaster into the screw. And it turns alright.
The green carpet is left-over I bought for inside the boat. My roll was a little too narrow so the uph shop ordered another roll. We used my roll for the trailer then. Have to say it looks great.
Italian design, Gussi wheel installed omg, sooo nice. Nautique horn button decal dropped right on.
Zyhra, FM manager is up at the lake for the weekend... pretty impressed at the result!
But what's with the garish yellow lawyer decals everywhere? I guess in Italy if you died in your Riva that would be a good thing.
Update - Fabbed up the stereo wake control plates. Have not tested them. I used an Acetal base, screwed into the speedo pickup holes, 3M 5200. The plates are mounted with the two M6 screws and SS washers, max 3/8" deployment over the length shown. Should roughly equate to the surface area of the Hydrogate on the SN 200, although I have not done a calc on that.
Waiting on my new fuel injectors (in shipping) before I can water test. Be interesting to see how this works. They are adjustable in the water by: 1 loosen thumbscrew, 2 position plate and 3 snug back up. The cool thing is the boat can be levelled side-to-side as well.
If this works, a set is going on the SN200, assuming we keep that boat.
I was on a boat design forum and asked about my plate design. Engineer from Sweden chimed in and it turns out it's a recent development called "Interceptors". Super tech CAN-bus based attitude control, seems to be aimed at larger industrial craft or those with ample budget $$$$.
My design matches what the engineer said to do (sharp blade mounted to hull flush block). And as I imagined there is a "pad" effect and the design is more efficient than trim tabs.
Looks like you are on to something by design FMSKI. I would think the vertical stab would create too much drag in comparison to a horizontal plate, but as the article indicates, it takes less to do more. That Humphree Interceptor is quite the system, looks like a high dollar unit for sure. Cool!
I was crawling under the 200 today looking at all the gelcoat dings and the 200 has basically gel'd interceptors or lifting pads each side 1 foot before the transom. Steep 1/2" ledge too. That should give the triad effect I was looking for but does not seem to happen. The Hydrogate obliterates everything vs a more triple balanced interceptor approach I was thinking of. Per some of the the major vessel installs they are running a full slate across the back. Two either side is the minimum.
SOLD! to an inboard tech/mechanic/guru who was commissioned to purchase by a father who's kids want to ski. I met the kid.
I got the new blue bosch injectors in this spring. Did a water test Sunday, it ran beautifully. The interceptors seem to work great! Back end very planted and triple rooster effect, handling well. Didn't ski it tho.
My old, single-line Perfect Pass display unit "up" button failed (ribbon cable from the display face is toast. Only fault found.
I tried to sell them the 200 I have but they wouldn't take it, even after a $10K discount!
I had both the 200 and this TSC1 up for sale, now we keep the 200.