Full rebuild Super Sport Nautique 2001

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  • Paul M.
    • Feb 2024
    • 13

    • Ghent , Belgium

    • 2001Super Sport Nautique 2023 Axis A20

    Full rebuild Super Sport Nautique 2001

    Hello everyone,

    I’m Paul and new to the forum, forums in general..

    I bought a wakeboard boat 4-5 years ago and have had lots of fun with it.
    unfortunately, late last year, when we where on vacation, the boat sunk….
    decided to do a full restoration because we like the boat so much.
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    i‘ll list below what’s going on and explain each step later on.

    Engine :
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    currently it’s completely stripped and engine is in the shop to bore out/new rings/chain etc.
    the rest will be for me to rebuild…
    its the Ford 351 with gt40 head

    No way I’m doing the injection again, that’s just to complicated in general.
    At the moment I’m going for a carbureted alternative.
    just need a good adres for parts. In Europe…

    or would you guys recommend just putting a new engine in ?

    transmission and Z drive:
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    These hopefully are still ok. Got no way to check but don’t have any water damage and had no problems before.
    I’m not sure if these need to be rebuild while they are out..


    a rep. From awlgrip is curious and wants to come over and take a look.
    new color is : awl raft 2000 : Pebble gray - code c3629 and from the se line : blue steel metallic - code e5013
    I’ll show the progress in the next posts.


    I’ll replace the carpets on the side of the boat, mainly for accoustic purpose.
    For the bottom I’m looking at teakdek. Unfortunately nobody seems to have done this before so I’ll need to make a template.
    - am I correct in saying that the floor of a SSN is not the same as a SAN ? We seem to have a hatch in the bottom that I can’t see in the SAN-

    Should anyone know a company that has the template , feel free to sent them my way.


    one of the last steps but I’m going for one, we had a ‘fly high’ extendable pole in the center of our boat but I would like room for the boards and speakers.
    Since I have my own welding company, it can’t be that difficult to make.


    since it sunk and previous owner did some work on it . I’ts all trown out,
    Honestly, I’m no real fan of wiring but it’s got to be done.
    all gauges need replacement - would appreciate a good adres-
    from my head I’ d need :

    - rpm/Hours
    - perfect pass - or alternative?-
    - depth
    ​​​​​​-sb and port ballast
    ​​​​​​- engine temp
    - fuel
    -oil pressure

    I think that’s about it at the moment.
    I aim to skip one season and be ready about this time next year.
    Would appreciate all the inputs you have on this.

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    thanks in advance,

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  • Rednucleus
    • Jul 2022
    • 177

    • WA

    • Club Boat 2014 Ski Nautique 200

    This will be a fun project to follow, thanks for sharing. For the trans/vdrive; I assume they were under water? - For how long? I would assume water got into both and would be concerned for bearing health - just a guess, I'm a veterinarian, not a mechanic!!


    • jpwhit
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
      • Aug 2016
      • 529

      • Cary, NC

      • 1998 Ski Nautique 2012 Nautique 200 2014 MasterCraft X25 . 2019 MasterCraft ProStar

      Have you drained the fluids in the transmission and the v-drive to check for water?

      Personally, I'd keep the fuel injection. The GT-40 w/ fuel injection is a sweet running engine. But I'm very comfortable with electronics so I'm biased. Grew up working on Carbs at my grandfather's garage, so I'm not stranger to that route either....

      Are you talking about painting the hull instead of gelcoat?? If so, that's going to be nowhere near as durable as gelcoat.

      Absolutely no help with sources for parts in Europe.....


      • Paul M.
        • Feb 2024
        • 13

        • Ghent , Belgium

        • 2001Super Sport Nautique 2023 Axis A20

        Hey ,

        thank you both for the interest in my misery
        I was not planning to open vdrive and transmission until I got the gaskets, seems there is no hurry since they are closed completely?

        Problem with keeping the injection, I think, would be the cost of everything. The computer is quite expensive I hear and all the additional parts would need to be replaced in order to be reliable. I thought it would simplify the build but guess not..

        speaking of the engine, I can’t seem to find the build year online. It is a Ford Windsor 351 block right?
        and what for what parts do I need to look at marine specific options?
        for me it’s
        - the exhaust manifold , obviously
        - carburator
        ​​​​​​- air intake?

        For the paint , I cant Find any good brands with clear instructions for the gelcoat , also finish is less shiny , less colors etc..?
        the awlcraft 2000 I read is a very hard coating and easier to repair. But all advice is welcome since it’s my first experience in both

        thanks in advance,

        Attached Files


        • Rednucleus
          • Jul 2022
          • 177

          • WA

          • Club Boat 2014 Ski Nautique 200

          Trans and vdrive are not air/water tight so if they were under water I would be surprised if they did not get wet inside. Better get them opened & checked asap.


          • jpwhit
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Aug 2016
            • 529

            • Cary, NC

            • 1998 Ski Nautique 2012 Nautique 200 2014 MasterCraft X25 . 2019 MasterCraft ProStar

            First thing I would do with the trans and vdrive is to drain the oil out and see if it's clean with no water. If the oil is milky, then there is water mixed in. But it may not be mixed if it was never run after being sunk, so you may see water and oil that are two separate fluids.


            • bturner
              1,000 Post Club Member
              • Jun 2019
              • 1572

              • MI

              • 2016 200 Sport Nautique

              You're going to get a mix of reactions to any restoration with any project whose goal is not to restore to original on an enthusiast​ forum such as this.

              Paint versus gel coat is probably the one topic that will draw the lines for most. Large boats have been using paint of one type or another for decades with excellent results. That said nearly any ski boat person would run from a painted boat if they were looking to buy used. In effect, your resale value would plummet. If that is not a concern or is perceived differently where you are then it's a non issue.

              EFI versus Carb would be about the same as the paint topic here in the states. Restoration here means just that, restore to original condition. Modifying the engine like this would be a red line for many.

              To me, I see this more as saving a boat by any means which I respect and applaud your efforts. This is no 67 Mustang GT 350 you're working on in which history or great value would be diminished by any changes to original condition. As long as short cuts that could effect the safe operation of the boat are not taken I see no reason to make whatever modifications necessary to successfully complete the project. I look forward to watching your progress with this project. Best of luck going forward!


              • Peter6000
                • May 2017
                • 168

                • northern Virginia

                • 1999 Ski Nautique

                I may biased as well with background in electronic design, but I would keep the fuel injection, I can repair the ECU even with water damage by using a used Ford automotive ECU and move your EEProm to it. Unfortunately I'm in US so shipping may be a factor.
                As an alternative you could use a automotive ECU and tuning chip to change the software to match your boat. Good used automotive ECU's go for $100-200 here. If you can find one in Europe I would be willing to help with the conversion.
                If you cant move the EProm or its damage a Chip programmed for marine GT-40 is about $300 and can be shipped in an envelope.
                Let me know if you consider and i post more info on what to look for.
                If you look for parts in Automotive stores look for Ford Bronco 1996 5.8 EFI most of the stuff fits.


                • Paul M.
                  • Feb 2024
                  • 13

                  • Ghent , Belgium

                  • 2001Super Sport Nautique 2023 Axis A20

                  Hello everyone,

                  Thanks again for all the replies and motivational words.

                  z-drive / transmission

                  I didn’t want to open up both Zdrive and transmission Without the correct gaskets- they are on the way.
                  The boat dealer assured me there is no rush since they flushed them out when the boat went in after being rescued.

                  I read the Manual of the trans. (Type : pcm 40 i 1/1 ) did not have any problems before but does someone have some quick tips what to look for when it’s open, that might indicate it needs some revision work?


                  thank you Peter6000 for the offered help, would be something I would dare to do, if you lived any closer
                  Again here I’m going to rely on the knowledge of the dealer, he advised my on the carbs. That’s easier for him to install and less expensive for me. With almost all new parts it will last a long while … win/win/(win)

                  Peter6000 would you be interested in the old ecu? I could sent it your way if it’s any use.


                  After the advice I got here I asked a quote at Voss-chemie , Belgium Chemistry company. A representative called my for some details and tough I was crazy, wanting to do a new gelcoat/topcoat in short he told me “ gelcoat is for new boats , first layer in the mould. It’s insane to do a boat in that product line there would be to much sanding involved”
                  they offer both gelcoat and all kinds of 2compnent based products , so he made me a quote: complete boat, exposed fibreglass with the sprayputty then the same (4)coats as exterior.
                  any thoughts in this ?

                  I am equipped with professional sprayguns/booth etc - and I done some courses fyi



                  I got a quote from C&S marine for new upholstery.
                  anyone got experience with the work they do?

                  5051$ for complete set, got the details if requested.

                  I’m going to have to work with a local company to fit them all

                  still Waiting on some other quotes from local and polish companies.

                  Stupid question : are seats the same for 2000-2001 super sport and ait


                  Last weekend I was able to inspect most parts and started sorting everything out . I’ll share some pictures below .

                  Most steel parts are ready to be sandblasted and/or powdercoated

                  made myself a kathalytic rust converter ( did not run a long time but seems promising ) for the interior cooling channels of the exhaust manifold.
                  Attached Files

