I'd like to change my impeller tomorrow on my 06 206. The boat is in storage.
Can anyone tell me what tools (socket sizes) I'll need to get the belt off and the impeller cover off? The PCM manual shows the belt tensioner is 15mm hex.
Also, I've seen discussion on putting the impeller in dry or lubed. What is the latest opinon on that? If lubed, what kind of lube?
The PCM book shows 9 ft lbs torque on the impeller fasteners. Does anyone know if this has been changed in a service bulletin?
Can anyone tell me what tools (socket sizes) I'll need to get the belt off and the impeller cover off? The PCM manual shows the belt tensioner is 15mm hex.
Also, I've seen discussion on putting the impeller in dry or lubed. What is the latest opinon on that? If lubed, what kind of lube?
The PCM book shows 9 ft lbs torque on the impeller fasteners. Does anyone know if this has been changed in a service bulletin?