couple issues with a 91 ski nautique

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  • pj
    • Oct 2003
    • 323

    • Rochester, MN

    • 1991 SN 1996 SN

    couple issues with a 91 ski nautique

    Issue #1: This past weekend in between downpours of rain, we were able to get out on the water for a few passes. We let the boat warm up for about 5 minutes. Temp was up to 160 and holding nicely. Then, when I was skiing, the engine kept cutting out. A sort of "clank" sound could be heard in the boat and the engine would sort of die for a second and then come right back. It did this later in the day for a little while too, but after some easy cruising (around 2000-2500 rpm) it worked its way out and didn't happen the rest of the day. Any ideas? Did I maybe have something stuck in the fuel filter or line?

    Issue #2: When turning sharply at lower speeds (but still on plane) a strange noise is heard from the rudder area. It starts like a high pitched squeek, then through the turn becomes lower pitch, then as I'm coming out of the turn it goes back to higher pitch before going away as the boat comes straight.

    Do I have some crazy boat demons or what? Any thoughts or suggestions on things I could check for these two issues would be greatly appreciated.
    Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For it is there you have been and there you will long to return. - Leonardo De Vinci
  • Daryl
    • Jul 2003
    • 133

    • Brandon, Manitoba, Canada

    • 2004 Ski Nautique 206 1990 Ski Nautique

    i can only comment on issue #1

    i had the same problem you describe EXACTLY (1990 SN, PCM351) - it turned out to be the points - gap was too small and the cap was well worn.

    i had an electronic ingition kit (and cap and rotor) sitting waiting to install it so i wasn't really properly looking after the cap/rotor/points.

    i put in new cap/rotor - but just re-gapped the points (to about 18 thou) - problem is gone. (electronic ignition still sitting in box - gotta get to that!)

    so - i would change - or at least inspect - your cap/rotor and points - simple low-cost maintenance and it can make a huge difference in performance. (or get an electronic ignition and actually install it)

    good luck! - post your findings!
    Current Boat ==> 2004 Ski Nautique 206, LOVE IT!

    Former Boat ==> 1990 Ski Nautique, PCM351


    • tryan
      • Nov 2003
      • 267

      • gatlinburg tn

      high humidity and bad connections can reak havoc. dry everything, including the inside of your distributor and see if you still have isuues. starting a motor in complete darkness can sometimes show errant sparks from the plug wires.

      squeal from the bushing? you might be due for a replacement. trailer the boat and check it out.
      red right return


      • pj
        • Oct 2003
        • 323

        • Rochester, MN

        • 1991 SN 1996 SN

        I feel kinda dumb, but I'm a total inboard newbie. How do I check to see if the bushing needs to be replaced?
        Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For it is there you have been and there you will long to return. - Leonardo De Vinci


        • ccskier16
          • Nov 2003
          • 92

          • Hartland, WI

          • 2006 Ski Nautique 1974 Skier 16 1991 Ski Nautique, former

          Item #1 Fuel filter?

          Item #2 Is it more of a whine? Like from the transmission? My '91 SN transmission whines at and a little below cruising speed when turning. No noise when going straight. I have taken mine to be... it is, what it is.

