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I have a 1998 Air Nautique and when I'm going forward , the boat pulls to the left and there is a lot more resistence when I turn the wheel to the right.
My 99 had the tunable rudder, not sure if 98' had them as well, if so it is a pretty easy adjustment. Looking at the rudder there is a small rudder within it which can be turned in either direction to adjust. If you do not have a tunable rudder I believe you can file the rudder edge to eliminate or reduce the pull.
If it doesn't have the tunable rudder you can shave the rudder to reduce the pull. There are some posts on PN about doing. Not a big deal to do just be careful to only take a small amount off, then test it, repeat as necessary.
Also, be aware that moving the tunable rudder a small bit will make a noticable change. Smae advice applies to it. Small steps and adjust as necessary.
If I need to shave the prop, how much is a little at a time? Just use better judgement or should I use calipers to measure? If I use calipers, how much would you recommend taking off at a time?
Your boat should pull to the left, and will always turn better left. Most people do not want nuetral steering, as the boat will tend to wander more then if it has a slight pull to the left. You just have to keep slight pressure to the right to go straigt, much easier then having to move the wheel, left and right to keep a straight path. If you had one of those other brands, it would be the other direction.
2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
2011 strada with strada bindings
Prior Boats:
1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,
Thought I screwed up and said the prop, glad it was you. lol.
How much pull is a preference just remember you can't put it back on. Sorry can't give a mearsurement. I'd talk to your local dealer and see what they recommend. Brass is soft and material comes off easily. Becareful.
I'd leave it alone. but I like a pull against the wheel to help keep a straight line.