I have a 1995 snob with a PCM transmission, not suire what ratrio as the tag has either faded or worn off. Anyway, the owners manual reads that PCMs take 2.0 qts of 20 20W engine oil (?) and not ATF. I am not familiar with 20 20W engine oil, could someone enlighten me? also, my tranny currently has red ATF in it (put in by previous owner). What should i do? Also, what is a good fluch/change/fill porocedure other than owners manual, seems a bit"involved". is there a more friendly method of changing this fluid? any help is greatly appreciated. thanks!!
RE: PCM Transmission help
By 1995, all DD Nautiques had the 1.23 to 1 transmission, I think. Look at your propeller, if the pitch on your prop is 16 for the OJ prop, or 15.5 for the Acme propeller, you have the gear redustion transmission. A 13 inch pitch propeller would be a one to one transmission.
Most large auto parts stores should be able to get 20 oil. It might have to be special; ordered this time of year.
If Your transmission is working good now, I would continur to use the ATF. My 1997 ski specifies Dextron 2, no longer available. I have been using Dextron 3. That is being changed to a Dextron/Mercon formula now. I used up my last bottles of Dextron 3 last fall, I have to find out if the new stuff is ok, in the next 50 hours of boat operation.
The easiest way to change the fluid is to suck it out, like the owners manual says. Do it when the transmission is hot. You should get about two quarts out. If you are trying to flush the old fluid completely, change the fluid four times, with running the boat each between change. Make sure you supply water to the raw water pump if you run your boat on the trailer. You can also disconnect the oil hose on the top of the transmission. Hot oil comes out of this fitting on the top of the transmission, goes through the oil cooler, and back into the transmission case. Blow air back into the hose, and it will push the oil in the oil cooler into the transmission, and then you can remove it by sucking it out. This will do a more complete oil change, and you will not have to change the oil as many times to completely change the oil.
I have used this method when the transmission oil on another boat I work on, got some water in it.
Contact the local Nautique dealer, thet should be able to advise you if it is fine to run the Dextron AFT. If it is, I would just use that, and not switch back to 20 w motor oil.
RE: PCM Transmission help
thanks for the info, will do this coming weekend. i tried to check the trans fluid level saturday, but could not get a very good read. seems a bit low, but not exactly sure. also, how should i check the level of the boat before changing tranny oil?when i did the motor oil this weekend i literally put a level on the side of the boat then changed it. what pitch or level should the boat sit at to chek the tranny fluid?
RE: PCM Transmission help
A level is not necessary, just a good eyeball check. To check the transmission oil, I put the boat in forward gear, in reverse, back to neutral. Check the trans oil. Obviously, if the boat is running, it is floating in the water. That will level the boat. Do not remove the transmission dipstick with the transmission in gear, forward or reverse. Oil will come out. Stay clear of rotating things with the engine running.
RE: Re: RE: PCM Transmission help
You can check it cold on land, but you only insert the dipstick to the first rubber o-ring. It says something about it in the manual.Previous:
2011 Super Air Nautique 210
1994 Sport Nautique
I have a 1994 SNOB. The face plate on the transmission says PCM 1.23 to 1.
Also the face plate states Dextron transmission fluid - but the manual states 20 weight oil. My understanding from a petroleum engineer, is that Dextron is backwards compatible. In other words, Dextron V should be compatible with Dextron IV, III, II etc.
I've been running the Mobil 1 synthetic Dextron fluid in my tranny - wth great results.