I only wakeboard or wakeskate behind my 2005 210. I usually put 2000lbs on top of the factory ballast. I have not been able to get a straight answer from acme, oj, c.c., or my dealer. what prop will give me the quickest hole shot and best gas mileage while keeping the boat propped correctly? I figured ya'll would know best since you actually use the boats the way you want. I have an excalibur 330 and right now i have an acme 536. i was thinking about getting a 1236. My dealer told me not to change the diameter. On my old mc i ran a 14.5x14.25. I know it had a 1.5.1 ration and nautiques have 1.23.1. Any help would be much appreciated. I never have the need or urge to go above 30mph, but i usually don't exceed 26.00
RE: need a new prop
I have an 05 210 Team. we run the Acme 644(from the factory) Acme reccomended I get the 1465 if I wanted quicker 'hole-shot' with extra ballast. If you are running 2K lbs of extra weight, I would go with the 1465, especially if top speed is NOT an issue. Just my 2cents. Good luck finding something you like.
RE: need a new prop
i just got back from boarding with my new 1464 acme. all i have to say is wow. with the same amount of weight and fuel i would say it planed off twice as fast if not a little bit better than that. it also handled turns much better. the rpm's at speed(23.7mph) are the same at 3400-3500. oh ya, the harmonic puller is awesome. i've never changed a prop before and all i did was screw on the hpp, tape it about 4 times, and viola.