This weekend my 2002 Air Nautique developed some engine trouble as we were about to enjoy the first nice weekend this summer.
When pulling the first wakeboarder out of the water, the engine began surging at about 3000 RPM. The check engine light came on and remained on and we were able to idle back to the dock. After emptying ballast tanks and fat sacks and checking oil level, impeller, and fresh water filter, we pulled out (at our mechanics suggestion) to see if the same behavior occurred. It did. Engine began surging and backing off at about 3000 RPM, Oil pressure was about 24 and temperature was about 160.
My mechanic suspects a bad fuel pump or a bad sensor that he said "throws the boat into Limp Mode". Any thoughts, anyone ever hear of limp mode?
When pulling the first wakeboarder out of the water, the engine began surging at about 3000 RPM. The check engine light came on and remained on and we were able to idle back to the dock. After emptying ballast tanks and fat sacks and checking oil level, impeller, and fresh water filter, we pulled out (at our mechanics suggestion) to see if the same behavior occurred. It did. Engine began surging and backing off at about 3000 RPM, Oil pressure was about 24 and temperature was about 160.
My mechanic suspects a bad fuel pump or a bad sensor that he said "throws the boat into Limp Mode". Any thoughts, anyone ever hear of limp mode?