Had my 98 351 PCM out today and it began to seriously overheat. Was less than a mile from the ramp and tried to nurse it in but by the time I got there the manifolds were smoking, the temp guage was pegged and the oil pressure was beginning to decline. Oil level was ok ( and thank goodness didn't see any foam in the oil after I shut it down). I presume the impeller blew and I'll check that first but what should I check that I may have damaged by continuing to run it?
RE: Overheated then low oil pressure
warped/cracked heads, warped/cracked block, warped/cracked intake manifild lower, bearing material in the oil, listen in the next few outings for rod knock if it runs. Nursing it back was a bad idea. Definately shut it down, let it cool, restart and go a little bit then repeat so it doesnt overheat. I had to do that myself one time this year due to a blown impeller with no ill effects. I hope for your sake a new engine isnt in the future due to it overheating
RE: Overheated then low oil pressure
You've got a lot to check.
One thing you can do is order an oil test bottle from these guys and send in a sample for the current batch of oil. The analyis will tell you if there is bearing, ring, or other engine materials in your oil. If you spun a bearing, it'll be in your oil. Ring's are more tricky...but often show up.
One other thing- do people really carry a spare impeller and change it on the lake? What about priming the housing so it doesn't run dry? and is there a chance of flooding when the hoses are disconnected? Finally, does this motor have an auto shut-down that prevents major damage? I understand the GT-40 does.