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Thanks for the reply. I checked the breaker amperage before I swapped them and found that the blower breaker was 20A as was the ignition breaker. It would appear that someone has done some incorrect wiring in the past. I will look into this problem as soon as I can.
I am trying to band-aid this problem until winter, when I can start to rewire the dash. I have located a bus bar and some LED's that I think will work in the dash panel. Has anyone used any other brand/style breaker in the dash? I am looking for ideas for my rewire project. I want a breaker that looks good and is reliable at a fair price.
i never found any circuit breakers that looked better than what CC uses. i ended up combining fuses with switches. i was going to use some of those auto-reset breakers, but decided that fuses would be easier....
I finally was able to work on the boat again. I bought a new alternator and got it all wired up and ready to go. But before I fired the boat up I wanted to look at the dash wiring and circuit breakers one last time. I noticed that the previous owner or mechanic had possibly pulled all the dash breakers and lost track of their exact location for reinstallation.
I would like to start from scratch when I redo the dash wiring (new everything).Does any one have a wiring diagram/schematic for the early 90's style dash? I saw the wiring diagram for the 89 model which looks similar only the gauges are in different locations.
After looking over the wiring again I fired the boat up. The boat ran perfectly and showed a steady 14 volts on the gauge. I ran the boat for about 15 minutes just to let the temps stabilize and the alternator to charge the battery. Not once did the any of the dash breakers trip.