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There are no holes drilled into the transom with any FAE on any Nautique or other "tournament ski boat".
There may be one hole drilled into the platform (underside only) on teak platforms.
On Nautiques that have 2 or 3 bolts/screws holding the center platform bracket to the transom we now have a FAE mounting bracket that eliminates the need to remove the bolts from inside the boat. This makes installation much easier for some Nautiques where there is limited access to the inside of the transom.
Took the boat out after the install. The noise reduction is significant. Also, we can sit on the back of the boat during surfing and detect NO fumes. Talking to the surfer is much easier.
I think you will be happy once you have done it.
Group Buy
One of you can collect email addresses from the group
simply place an order and let us know you are part of the Group Buy. If ordering online, in the "Special Shipping Instructions" box, note "Group Buy". You can also send us your boat's measurements in this box as well. We will not charge your card or fabricate your FAE until we have enough people to justify a group.
For those that have the 2 hole or 3 hole center platform bracket (see measurements) we now have a FAE bracket that does not require you to get to the bolts inside the boat.