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If you look fast, you might see either "LF" or "LFUEL" in the LCD.
Beep is like....."Beeeeeeeeeeeeeep"....catches me by surprise every time. I first think the alarm is on and I just noticed it because the engine is now quiet...but then alarm stops. By this time, I look at fuel gauge and level is fine.
I would say either low fuel - even though you may still have over a quarter tank - or could be oil sensor - I get the low fuel every now and then and had the oil sensor replace due to alarm when coming out of the throttle - watch the dash units because they will flash the issue
Our 06 was very similiear with a very sensitive low fuel level. Only one beep and the fuel gauge is pointing half full, but still a low fuel level error in the LCD for a split second when backing off the throthle.