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Pulling a GT-40 from a closed bow 98 (any suggestions)
Here is a checklist I made when I pulled an Excalibur engine from a 2002 Ski Nautique.
Some general tips.
Remove the back seat, and put it somewhere safe.
Remove the motor box cover. and put it somewhere safe.
Remove the floorboard that sits behind the engine.
Pressure wash everything you can reach now, it will make the job much easier, and cleaner
Get some plastic bags to put small items, bolts, ETC. in. Write on the bag where the parts came from.
Take pictures of things you might find confusing, like wire hookups, ground wire locations, things like that.
Take notes of everything you disconnect, move or change. If you are going to put the engine back into the boat right away, short notes will be OK. If it will be a while before you put the engine back in the boat, take very careful detailed notes. Do not trust your memory.
I was working at a dealer when I did this, and used the hoists that we use to lift the boat. after lifting the engine, I just pulled the trailer, and the boat out from under the engine.
Download the spreadsheet. It has two columns of check boxes on it, so when you put the engine back in, you can check off items put back together.
If you are putting the same engine back into the boat, without major work required on the engine, if you do not move the motor mounts a lot, the shaft alignment should not change, but you must recheck it when the engine is reinstalled in the boat.
I would winterize the engine the engine, and seal the exhaust ports, and intake if the engine is going to sit very long.
While the engine is out, might as well pressure wash the bilge again.
Why are you removing the engine?
when you start to pull the engine, you should disconnect the negative battery cable at the battery, first thing. Then proceed through the checklist.
I changed my checklist, but the one I posted is prior to my change.
That is a good checklist. You will also want to cover all of your carpeted floors to keep them clean. If you have a small digital camera, take pictures; lots of pictures. This is just in case you can't understand what your note says.