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I'm happy with the yellow filter that came on the motor when purchased - sorry I dont know the brand dont really care either - but it is yellow and seems to be another yellow every time the boat is serviced with the free oil changes offered at Nautiques of Orlando.
I haven't checked this thread in a couple days....wow, we've covered the entire spectrum! So my original question was simply if anyone had used a K&N OIL filter in a marine application and if you have experienced any specific issues. Yes, the K&N is $5 more. I change my oil 4 times/year at most. That is a whooping $20/year in additional cost. I know the Wix, Motorcraft, and Purolator's are perfectly fine but I wasn't asking which filter to use. For all the anti-K&N posts, no one has been able to give a specific reason why not to use a K&N oil filter (except for the extra $5 or that it is just marketing hype). Even if performance is only equal to Motorcraft or other OEM filters, I would prefer to buy K&N for the following reasons:
1) Headquartered and engineered in my home state, supporting a local company that is providing local jobs.
2) Made in the USA
3) K&N is not asking for billions of $$ of taxpayer bailout money as is Ford/Motorcraft.
So, thanks for posting all of your opinions on everything from the dude at Kragen to moonshine to each other's IQ levels. It made for some entertainment! I agree with AirTool, we need some warm weather. Merry Christmas!
touche gobig. made in the usa. wouldnt it be cheaper to give every taxpayer 1 million$ and say if you buy a car it has to be american and for this year you pay taxes on the mill, then go back to what you earn next year. it could cause inflation i guess but so can the billions we're dishin out
For all the anti-K&N posts, no one has been able to give a specific reason why not to use a K&N oil filter (except for the extra $5 or that it is just marketing hype).
Check out this oil filter study. It seems to be one of the most commonly referenced oil filter studies on the internet. Good info. You'll notice that the K&N (like most filters) is rebranded- so although its a good filter, there is little to justify the higher price tag other than marketing. Buy whatever you want, but the $3 Wix or Motorcraft filters are where I would spend my money.
Looks like I missed this thread for the past few days- good entertainment! SS, "very biased and very old"... Im not sure which bias of mine youre referring to (I admittedly have a preference for safety and a dislike of BS in general), but I'll take that "old" comment as a compliment!