Can anyone tell me how thick is the hull of an 83 SN 2001 directly adjacent to the existing raw water intake? I am Looking to install a through-hull with a built in 90 degree hose barb but I am not sure if it will work. Max hull thickness it works with is 1.25"
Also, I am going to be installing an auto ballast system in my boat but I just had an epipheny of sorts. I am going to be using Simer pumps to fill 3 ballast bags. At what point are the bags full enough that the pressure exerted by the water on the walls is enough to push it out through the venthose going out the bilge outlet and thus not allowing the bags to reach max capacity? I am starting to think that this could be a problem. Any thoughts or experience with this issue?? If it were a problem, I guess I would expect to have heard about it by now with all the custom ballast installs going on.
Also, I am going to be installing an auto ballast system in my boat but I just had an epipheny of sorts. I am going to be using Simer pumps to fill 3 ballast bags. At what point are the bags full enough that the pressure exerted by the water on the walls is enough to push it out through the venthose going out the bilge outlet and thus not allowing the bags to reach max capacity? I am starting to think that this could be a problem. Any thoughts or experience with this issue?? If it were a problem, I guess I would expect to have heard about it by now with all the custom ballast installs going on.