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Does anyone have any tips on how to bring back the life to my carpet in my 04 206? Are there any products on the market to wash/clean boat carpets? Would pressure washing it be a smart idea?
My dealer swears by fabric softener in a spray bottle after cleaning. Spray it on the carpet, work it in with the brush. Let it sit for a bit, then rinse and shop vac. I did it last year with pretty good results, but I think I could've used more of the fabric softener, i.e., I diluted it too much.
I did the fabric softener last year and it works but you have to really work it in to get the full effect. It lasted most of the season. I will do it again in a month for the coming season.
2001 Super Air Nautique
Python Powered
100 Amp Alternator
Dual Batteries
Many upgrades coming...