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i had it fixed at my dealer and apparently they didnt measure twice cut once or put the bimini back on. b/c the pole they fixed is too long. i can't even figure out how to get the thing out. it's the piece of the bimini that is just a pole with a plastic cap with a hole in it on each end used for attaching to the tower. i have a cutting tool. but i can't get the cap off to cut the pole down.
The end you are trying to remove - does it look similar to this? A cap over the end of the pole with two possibly silver in color rivets? The pic shows a cap with a set screw which yours is possibly similar in style but without a set screw. If you have rivets you should see a round head possibly a 1/4" in diameter with a small center hole that appears to be plugged. If that is the case you would get a drill bit that is just slightly larger than the center hole and drill it/them out - at that point you can twist the cap off.
yes it looks just like that except the "fastener" is pushed in i guess you'd say like a dimple. i'll try drilling it out. saws all would not work in this application for removing the cap b/c the metal would still be in there. but yes, dewalt saws all ftw