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My friend has an 05 that is in the middle of a very slow system upgrade. He always had a bunch of excess water in his. Turned out that the neck on the bilge pump on the bottom side had cracked 3/4 of the way through. There would be no way to fix this without completely replacing the pump. We saw it after the tanks were pulled so not sure if there is a way to do it without removing the tank. Hopefully this helps you.
the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang
hmmm, I think you run pop bags on top of the tanks right? You might have a little crack in the tank somewhere near a corner? Pull it out, I have had mine out, it's not awful bad, just a little pita. Use a heat guy to remove the hoses. The starboard tank is easier to get out but it's not that much harder.