I have a 2001 SAN and we were out on the lake all day yesterday with no problems. It rained on the way home (about a 10 minute drive) and we came home and put the boat in the shelter. Then tried to turn on stereo and nothing on the dash worked. Horn, keypad, blower, nothing works at all. Checked the obvious things first, switch, battery. The black box or control module under the dash is getting power we have checked it with a voltmeter. My dad is an electronics technician and he has traced wires all throughout the boat and we have checked the wiring diagrams and can find nothing wrong. Again we are getting power to the keypad but no response at all. Does this mean that the keypad is for sure bad? Because it seems that since the horn and blower are wired separately from the keypad itself that they should work. Any ideas on what we may be missing here or what may be the problem?
Had something similar happen in my 216. There is a fuse installed at the battery and If I wiggle it the power comes on and off. There is probably a master fuse on you boat as well and that would be the first thing to check. Also, check the kill switch and make sure everything is connected right.