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I'll work on getting some 3-D CAD images of the design out to whoever is interested & we'll see if there is enough of a demand to support a first run of them!
It sounds like the target price is under $300. I will see what I can do!
As a note, I have a few Super Deluxe Barefoot Boom / Extended Pylon Mounts in stock & ready to ship!
Ok let's breath life into this. We are all tired of our poles(that sounds wrong) anyway who has the desire to craft something up. The Malibu design is simple but we need to get an oversized tube to place the stock one in and make some cuts to a bolt that can slide once we twist and lift.
A possible suggestion is to see if you can find the rear lifting ring of the new 200 Sport (not sure if it's on anything else). It recesses like you're asking and pops up and has an appropriate rope 'ring' for skiing off of. Don't know if it'd work but I think it'd be worth a look instead of fabricating something from scratch.
Ok pole is out of the boat now...... 8" diameter. Need to find a larger ID pipe and see if I can get a channel cut in it for a bolt to slide, thread a hole on the current pole put a SST bolt in, cut off 6" and see if it works. Stay tuned............