I have a '97 Super Sport and I think my impeller just went bad on me today. We were driving along and all the sudden the boat starting vibrating some and the overheat light came on. Oil pressure and everything was fine, I think the impeller just wasn't getting any water through the engine. Anyways, is the housing for the impeller in the back towards the transom? I'm pretty sure I know where it is, but when I tried to unscrew the bolts, the stupid things wouldn't budge. So, I just wanted to make sure I was taking off the right part. Also, is it very tough to change out the impeller? I've done it in a direct drive before but never in a v-drive. It looks like it's going to be tough to get to. Thanks for any help!!!
Are you are asking about the water pump impeller? The water pump on my GT-40 is located (as you kneel on the back seat and peer into the hatch) on the right side towards the trasom. As I recall, there are two or three bolts to get the pump out, then a couple more to open up the pump. You should see two hoses coming out of the pump, one on top, and one on bottom.Current Boat => 2007 SAN 220 TE
Last Boat => 2000 SAN