I have a 1995 Sport with a EFI GT40 we rode for a while and stop to swim it doesn't want to start back. It turns over fine and is not a battery issue. It just seems to not get enough fuel or even seems to flood. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but the last two times I have opened the fuel cap and closed it back and she started right up.
RE: Can anyone explain this?
sounds like one of two things.
1. classic vapor lock. The fuel in the EFI rails and possiblely the fuel lines in the engines evaporates and creates pressure in the line preventing the normal flow of fuel. The newer nautiques have an FCC system to prevent that. One trick is to open the engine hatch to cool off the engine while you are swimming etc. This is a common trick in warm weather climates.
2.One other possibility is that your tank is not getting vented properly and you are creating a alot of negative pressure in the tank which fights against the pull of the fuel pump. Look at your tank and on the starboard side there should be a simple rubber hose which leads to a small stern vent. Attached to that tube is also a one way valve to prevent water or debris from getting into the tank, Make sure it is all working properly.