This depth finder is on my 02 SANTE. How do you make it work. It wont read the depth. It only reads what the shallow depth distance has been set to. Which buttons do you push to keep it in the reading mode, so you can see the depth as you are under speed.
RE: How does this depth finder work
Can't help you but if you find out please make sure to let me know. Got the same problem! Seriously, email me if you find out anything, i would greatly appreciate. I'll do the same of course if I learn anything
RE: How does this depth finder work
Mine was reading a constant 1.7 ft, and I found a bunch of help online, but basically its shot. I ended up getting a replacement sent out for very little $20-30 to cover shipping and handling. They made me send in the old gauge and they sent out a new one. Hope that helps. Tip: save your fuse from the wiring, they wont send it back with one.
I have a hummingbird but when it was first installed (dealer install) something similar happened. They troubleshot it and ended up replacing the transducer. Worked ever since.
1,000 Post Club Member
- Jul 2003
- 2908
- San Francisco, CA
- Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous
Looks like the unit that was in my 1995. The fix is pretty simple... Remove the gauge from the dash, remove the sender from the hull, throw them in the trash and replace them with the Faria oil bath unit. Seriously, the problem is with the sender that is glued to the hull. The glue in transducers have bad signal transmission through the hull, the oil bath units do a much better job. Alternatively you could install an outboard transducer on your current guage and most likely have good results. I futsed with that hummingbird unit on my old boat for years before I got wise and trashed it.
RE: Depth finder
The 'T' icon is a Teleflex. The Hummingbird will have 'Hummingbird' wirtten out on it usually. Sometimes they will also have either or for the transducer. I am convinced the hummingbird and the teleflex are rebranded chinese made components. If you look at most depth finders, they function similar, look similar, and the transducers are very similar.