I had the local Nautique dealer replace my steering cable a couple of seasons ago in my 95 super sport. Ever since then the boat doesn't turn right nearly as sharp as the left, to the point it's too hard to get the rope to the boarder. Could the wrong cable have been used? Is there markings on the cable that I could check to make sure the correct one was installed? thanks.
RE: Steering/ Cable question?
They probably used a generic. Correct Craft uses specific throws on their steering cables. i have a new one at home that i can get you the part number off of. Try and do it for you tonight.
It is possible that it is not adjusted properly in the clamp block, so it may be worth checking that, too. However I still think the above will end up being the real problem.the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang
Adjustment to the steering?
I have my 95 SS at home now and trying to figure out the steering issue (see above). When the steering wheel is turned all the way to the left, the rudder connection under the engine almost hits the back of the boat. Is there a way to adjust it where it doesn't extend as much and would this help the right turn? I'll take a pic tonight since the above may not make sense.
You should be able to turn your wheel lock to lock and count the turns. Turn it back half way, and look at the rudder. If it is not centered, then the cable has moved in the clamp block. You should be able to loosen it and move the cable until the rudder is centered. This should make the boat turn equally to left and right.2005 SV-211