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My trailer hitch seems to be the right height at around 16.5 inches, I wonder what the heights of your hitches are? I am not dragging the rear end, and it seems to be correct. Just checking to see what "normal" is.
My trailer hitch seems to be the right height at around 16.5 inches, I wonder what the heights of your hitches are? I am not dragging the rear end, and it seems to be correct. Just checking to see what "normal" is.
Is that with the boat hitched and after driving it a little bit (for the suspension to settle)?
2011 Super Air Nautique 210
1994 Sport Nautique
I remember a thread a year or two ago that explained the boat needs to be pulled level. Hitch it to the truck on a level surface and then measure the trailer at the front and rear. Should be within 1". Not sure what my measurement is but the hitch on my F150 is pretty much straight out.
Its probably a lot more important to pull a tandem level than single axle. You can get away with a little nose down, but nose up you will drag your prop guard.
2001 Super Air Nautique
Python Powered
100 Amp Alternator
Dual Batteries
Many upgrades coming...
That is exactly the reason I never put one on until now. Just think how much money I would have if that had gone into a 401(k) all these years :grin:
That is exactly the reason I never put one on until now. Just think how much money I would have if that had gone into a 401(k) all these years :grin:
You would have about half as much as you did last summer...so enjoy that new 200.
My Trailer hitch is at 11" while loaded. The rear of the trailer is about 16". Thank goodness there's a prop guard. I was worried about the slight forward pitch, until last week when I put a 12" scrape in the asphalt.
BTW - I have a single axle.
2011 Super Air Nautique 210
1994 Sport Nautique
When you come to a sharp inclune, try to take it on as much as an angle as possible to reduce dragging. Back before prop gaurds were on trailers, you had to learn that or spend a lot of money. Wow I just reread that and it make me sound REALLY old!