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Does anyone know the best way to get water stains out of the carpet? Tried dawn and a brush but the stain is still there. The water came from when the heater core popped in July.
What color carpet?
I used to get the brown and it showed water spots much more than the grey. In your case it sounds like iron (rust) stains.
Powerwasher, but be careful.
I purchased a commercial steam carpet cleaner that auto detailers use and the thing is amazing. Twice a summer and the carpet looks like new. You might consider taking it to an auto detailer and having them take a shot at it.
On my current boat I had bound mats made and am letting them take the abuse from accidental spills and dirt.
All the above are good ideas.
This is something to try if there are stubborn rust stains that are still there. Try a dilute mixture of vinegar to get the rust stains out, and rinse well.