05 210 FCT Installation

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  • sengebre
    • Aug 2006
    • 47

    • Melbourne, FL

    05 210 FCT Installation

    I have an 05 210 and I have never been very happy with the FCT installation. I have deafcon III speakers and the standard board racks. The tower has always been shaky and not as rigid as I would like.

    Has anyone else ever thought the same thing or implemented a modification to the FCT tower to make it more rigid? As solid as everything else is on the boat, this just seems like a weakness.
  • Onevw2go
    • Nov 2005
    • 179

    • Wisconsin

    RE: 05 210 FCT Installation

    I also have an 05 210. for the last few seasons, I thought it moved too much. It seemed to especially move when the speakers and multiple boards were hanging on it. Well, we were wiping it down this summer (middle of the season) and one of my buds pointed out that there seemed to be a gap forming under one of the feet of the tower. When I got home,I ended up getting a wrench to check if maybe the bolts had loosened up.... Sure enough, ALL of the bolts on both sides in the front had loosened up signifiacntly. Tightened them all down, and DUH... Amazingly, the tower is rock solid again. We had not noticed any significant movement in the tower since. So I would suggest checking the mounting bolts if you think that could be part of your problem.


    • sengebre
      • Aug 2006
      • 47

      • Melbourne, FL

      RE: 05 210 FCT Installation

      I have had all of the boats checked and tightened at the dealer and I checked them again. Thanks for the suggestion. Most of the free movement seems to be lateral (port to starboard). I can't find anything loose or to explain other than there could be more support bracing sim to the new FCT3.

