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How to change transmission fluid in 1998 Sport Nautique?
RE: How to change transmission fluid in 1998 Sport Nautique?
An alternative to the suction pump is a gallon push-pump with a plastic tube extension. This is what I use. You can get them at a beauty supply store. Got the plastic tube extension at the hardware store. Total cost $3.
As far as directions, just get the pickup tube as close to the bottom as you can, put back in the exact volume that you remove. Use Dexron III.
Capacity on the power plus is 2 qts. Don't overfill. Put in as much as you are able to remove.
Agree...and if you change it HOT....and suck out more than 2 quarts...put only 2 quarts back in and run it/check it. I've changed mine several times. I always get 2 1/4 hot and put back only 2. Transmission fluid expands alot with with heat.