Hey guys I have just finished reading the owners manual, and here is what I found about break in procedure. Is this what you guys all do to ur brand new PCM engine? Seems scary to me flooring it with so little hours on it

Break In Procedure
Make sure all your passengers are properly seated before starting
the break in procedure. After the engine is thoroughly warmed up
and you have driven the boat into a large open area, advance the
throttle to wide open until the maximum rpms are reached. DO
NOT exceed 5,000 rpm. Reduce the throttle to 2,800-3,000 rpms
and cruise at or below this speed for 30 minutes. Reduce the speed
to idle, advance the throttle to wide open and operate at that speed
for one minute; reduce to the previous cruising speed for a few
minutes and repeat. Accelerating from idle speed to wide open
assists in seating the piston rings. This cycle can be repeated from
time to time during the first five hours of operation. DO NOT
operate engine at full throttle for longer than one to two minutes.
Make sure all your passengers are properly seated before starting
the break in procedure. After the engine is thoroughly warmed up
and you have driven the boat into a large open area, advance the
throttle to wide open until the maximum rpms are reached. DO
NOT exceed 5,000 rpm. Reduce the throttle to 2,800-3,000 rpms
and cruise at or below this speed for 30 minutes. Reduce the speed
to idle, advance the throttle to wide open and operate at that speed
for one minute; reduce to the previous cruising speed for a few
minutes and repeat. Accelerating from idle speed to wide open
assists in seating the piston rings. This cycle can be repeated from
time to time during the first five hours of operation. DO NOT
operate engine at full throttle for longer than one to two minutes.
CAUTION: Follow these procedures only when
conditions are such that you can drive the boat safely.
DO NOT attempt to break in an engine by letting it idle at
the dock.
conditions are such that you can drive the boat safely.
DO NOT attempt to break in an engine by letting it idle at
the dock.