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I have used Safecraft fire systems in my race cars and boats before. The nozzles are small so a picture doesn't even really show the installation. In a boat, we've mounted the actual bottle under the helm and plumbed the 2 or 3 nozzles using stainless line under the floor with the activation cable/ring under the throttle by the seat. Keep in mind that a closed compartment means the system is more efficient, so you don't necessarily have to put the nozzles directly spraying onto the engine like we'd need to do on a car.
I have an 08 210TE and we have the fire system. I don't have any pictures of the fire system specifically but looking at the motor picture here, the fire bottle is located in the upper far left corner under the exhaust manifold. It's so hard to see the when we first got the boat i thought they had forgot to put it in. It looks just like a normal fire bottle with a sprinkler type spray head on it.
I always a fire extinguisher in a boat was called a life jacket and good insurance. Also open the engine cover and run the blower for 5 minutes before starting.