Before I begin, thanks everyone for the great information on this site. I’ve read through a lot and hoping to find the problem.
I have a 2003 Air 216 Team. It has a 330 EX in it with about 479 hours. I took it out for its first run last Saturday. It ran fine for about an hour, then when we were towing a boarder it lost some power, regained it, then stalled out. It hissed pretty loud on the port side of the engine. I sat there for about 5 minutes, then it started again, went on plain, then died. Fortunately we were close enough to the dock and was able to limp back. When I got it home I hooked up water, fired up right away in the driveway, idled for about 3 minutes then stalled out again.
Here’s what I’ve done: To my knowledge the fuel filter has never been replaced, so I have one coming from White Lake. I took the old one out and it didn’t look real bad, nor did it look like there was any water in the bowl
I turned the ignition on and can hear the fuel pump cycle for about 5 seconds and can feel the vibration on the fuel cell.
Questions: Is there more than one fuel filter or screen on this year’s boat?
Should I pitch the fuel pump and get another one for $130? There seems to be talk on this site that they don’t last forever. Can these things be intermittent?
Is there a relay that could go bad?
My initial thoughts are it’s a fuel issue, I’m pretty sure it’s not electrical.
Thoughts everyone?
I have a 2003 Air 216 Team. It has a 330 EX in it with about 479 hours. I took it out for its first run last Saturday. It ran fine for about an hour, then when we were towing a boarder it lost some power, regained it, then stalled out. It hissed pretty loud on the port side of the engine. I sat there for about 5 minutes, then it started again, went on plain, then died. Fortunately we were close enough to the dock and was able to limp back. When I got it home I hooked up water, fired up right away in the driveway, idled for about 3 minutes then stalled out again.
Here’s what I’ve done: To my knowledge the fuel filter has never been replaced, so I have one coming from White Lake. I took the old one out and it didn’t look real bad, nor did it look like there was any water in the bowl
I turned the ignition on and can hear the fuel pump cycle for about 5 seconds and can feel the vibration on the fuel cell.
Questions: Is there more than one fuel filter or screen on this year’s boat?
Should I pitch the fuel pump and get another one for $130? There seems to be talk on this site that they don’t last forever. Can these things be intermittent?
Is there a relay that could go bad?
My initial thoughts are it’s a fuel issue, I’m pretty sure it’s not electrical.
Thoughts everyone?