I have a 2002 Sport and changed the impeller prior to taking it out for the first time this season. I normally run a garden hose with water into the intake to verify it functioned OK. This time however, I ran out of time and I took it straight to the lake for the weekend. Put the boat in and started great as normal. Then while going out to the main body of water, my boat got HOT (i.e. 180-220 deg). Went into limp mode. We pulled it out and let it cool down...then pulled the impeller to verify everything looked good. After putting the impeller and water pump back in, I ran water from a garden hose in the system this time. We put the boat in the water the next day and the temp did not go over 160 degrees. For the most part, it ran between 145-155 degrees. Could I have had a vapor lock in the cooling system? Just curious on your thoughts.