My 220 has the ballast pumps mounted so that the impeller plate is down and difficult to access without removing the entire pump. Has anyone ever considered flipping the pumps upside down so that the impeller access up and easy to access? The only issue I can see is that the fill and drain will be reversed (not enough hose to connect in original position) thereby making the solid light on the console mean empty and the blinking light mean fill. I've had a lot of issues with my impellers on these pumps and think it is worth a try so that they are easier to access. Thoughts?
Why they are upside to begin with is beyond logic. And three flathead screws to triple your chances of dropping one (I have -FWIW, it will seal good enough on 2 if the 3 screws).
If you try this, PLEASE post back your results.
I just replaced/updated my impellers this weekend. It is a pain to get to them but I think from the point of motor longevity, mounted with the pump down is the best. I did make a change that will make future work easier. There are four bolts that hold the pump panel to the frame. I made those into studs so I only need to remove the four locknuts, hose clamps, and unclip the wiring harness to pull the whole panel out with the pumps. Now, it can be done in about 10 minutes and lowers your risk of dropping much needed parts into the bilge.