The rubbing strip on my 2004 196 has been squashed during transport and I wondered if it will recover & whether I can "help it". How big a job is it to change it ?
RE: Rubbing strip damage
Depending on how bad it is damaged, you could try to get it heated up to try and rework it. Were you transporting it or CC or a dealer? If you change it, it is a bit of work. A new rub rail is almost four hundred dollars and it is a few hours of labor. The hardest part is putting it on and not making it look all wavy.
RE: Rubbing strip damage
Thanks for the info. The damage is about 4 inches long and the permanent deformation is about one third of the depth of the rub rail. I will try some heat tonight. I was transporting it in a container. Does the centre circular section part pull out seperately ? and is it plastic ? It might be easier to reshape if I could take this bit out. I will take some photos if heat doesn't help.