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The problem I have is the water and air temp quit working , they thought it was a pcm soft ware problem but white Lake got the new soft ware from PCM but that has not fix the problem might have to replace the whole unit.
2013 G23 super air
2010 230 super air
2009 220 super air
2008 210 super air
2005 210 super air
2003 calabria pro air
I have had to replace 2 units due to that problem no replaceable bulbs in unit. You will have to take back to dealer to have replaced.
Yeah, mine did it too. I also have heard that the entire unit would have to be replaced.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
slightly off topic, but malibu is boasting of their new touch screen being like iphones. anyone ever used an iphone with sweaty or slightly wet hands? kind of hard to get it to do anything. sell me my boat with a diacom and if i want a gps i'll buy one.