SV211 hull Hydrogate System

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    • Dec 2004
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    • 1978 Correct Craft 1993 Ski Nautique 1999 Ski Nautique 2004 Ski Nautique 2008 Ski Nautique

    SV211 hull Hydrogate System

    Could u send me a picture of the Hydro-Gate System. I come from Greece and own a waterski school with 4 nautiques. I cant find any info or picture and since I had an idea about a system, I am really curious to see if it has anything to do. If no picture is available, a description would be nice too.
    Thanks in Advance and enjoy your new Boat!!!
  • FatBoy
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Mar 2004
    • 756

    • Eastern North Carolina

    RE: SV211 hull Hydrogate System

    Check this link out. When the gate is in wakeboard mode the tunnel is open allowing the back of the boat to sit futher down in the water, making a bigger wake. When it is in slalom mode the gate is down creating a lip at the back of the tunnel which creates lift and a smaller wake. The link below has pictures.
    Life is Short, Live it!


      • Dec 2004
      • 5

      • A, A

      • 1978 Correct Craft 1993 Ski Nautique 1999 Ski Nautique 2004 Ski Nautique 2008 Ski Nautique

      RE: SV211 hull Hydrogate System

      Thank u very much FatBoy for the quick response! The system looks simple probably working manually and not with an electric/hydraulic mechanism, which is good; doesn't need much maintanance.
      I would love to have comments from an owner. I mean the two pictures on the above link are nice but they are not taken at the same speed (22mph) with & without water in the tanks in order to tell the difference. Plus I am quite sure that this flap is counter-"attacking" the boat's manoeuvrability when engaged. I've driven a BarefootSanger with a tail flap which gives the boat a nice table but was not respnonsive in tight turns not to mention how hard the wake was for slalom skiing. Ok it's not a Nautique! If this system isn't to our complete satisfaction, I have an idea for a system which will work on the 196 hull with mid engine and no ballast thus leaving more space inside the boat. I 've planned a vacation trip to Miami in March & a visit to the Nautiques Headquarters for a presentation to see what they think of my idea. Happy New Year To Everydody.


      • clubmyke
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • Sep 2004
        • 414

        • so cal

        posted those pics when we bought the boat. most people wakeboard at 20-22mph(with ballast) and ski at 35mph(no ballast)... still playing around with the speed when wakeboarding ( factory ballast) and the wake really cleans up @ 20-22mph - at lower speeds there is genereally whitewash on one of the lips

        we were just out yesterday and when heading back at 35 mph we engaged the gate in slalom and there was a flattning of the wake

        i dont notice a difference in the handling when the gate is engaged or not ( full ballast is a when i notice a difference), btw, the boat handles incredibly well ( it is pretty amazing how tight you can turn) and does very, very well in chop. i have been out with other boat owners and they are blown away by how well the boat does in choppy water ( very smooth- like a knife through butter) and doesnt take in water . .. also the 211 sits a little higher in the water (compared to a 210) and planes very quickly ( i would dare say immedietly).

        it is really hard to tell by the pics on what the wake is doing but when you are out there and going 21mph with full ballst and gate- the wakeboard mode is totally different than slalom mode and 21 mph - with slalom engaged it is "more gentle" (i have been told this from people that i have towed and have done enough face plants myself to confirm - my neck still hurts from yesterday).

        with the gate in wakeboard, the wake has a totally different shape, feel and pop.

        would suggest driving one and getting pulled by a 211 - that is when you will really notice the difference of the wake with the hydrogate in/out and

        hope that helps,



          • Dec 2004
          • 5

          • A, A

          • 1978 Correct Craft 1993 Ski Nautique 1999 Ski Nautique 2004 Ski Nautique 2008 Ski Nautique

          Thanks a lot Mike
          ...and again Happy new Year

