ok, this is what is going on: PP sets, holds speed, and then intermittantly sudden takes off (increases speed). It beeps & flashes # when it does this, like it has been turn off/on. This behavior conincides with an episode of PP turning off/on when switching on the ballast pumps. The ballast pumps are wire off of the second battery up front (hot 10ga wire goes to separate fuse block used for pumps only). This set up has worked with out problems all season. Now, for some reason, there seems to be a relation between running the pumps and PP. Additionally, with out any pump operation, just boarding at 22, the PP quits, then speeds up. Will not hold speed. Another clue: when starting the boat, the radio kicks off, then recovers on its own in about 20 secs. This also causes the PP to beep. 2000 SAN. Thanks in advance for your help. Help !
Your PP requires 12v. If you dip below that, it can trip, and reset, or freak out. That era of SAN has known ground issues, also. Mine included. How old are your batteries? and have you tested them with a voltmeter?the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang
Thanks guys, the boat is still at lake on the lift. If I was to enhance the ground on a temp basis for the coming weekend, where would be the best place to pick up the ground for the dash or the PP? Thinking about running straight to neg on battery... Batteries are about 2 years old, however will check them, what minimum should they read? I appreciate you taking time to type.
Batteries should be sitting at at least ~12.5v with the boat off. There is no temporary ground. You just need to run a heavier wire to it and that is it. I still have not repaired mine... I plan to just jump of the distribution block behind my kickboard. Goes directly from the battery to the distrbution block. I am going to use at least 10 ga.wire.the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang