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Hi, I may need to change a fuel pump on a 2008 210 (343 engine). Does anyone know approximately what that part should cost?
2015 G23 - CURRENT
1999 Ski Nautique - CURRENT
2013 Waksetter VLX - SOLD
2011 Ski Nautique 200 - SOLD
2008 210 Team - SOLD
2007 196 - SOLD
2007 211 Team - SOLD
2004 Moomba Mobius - SOLD
You can get a new FCC fuel pump at White Lake Marine for about $130 (after the 10% PN discount). But my first question is why do you need to replace a fuel pump on such a new boat? And will the warranty cover it?
Don't ask me why it's gone already, especially since I barely used the boat (80 hr) and it has seen no abuse. However at 130$, it's cheaper to do it myself than to take the boat to the dealer.
How can I order this?
2015 G23 - CURRENT
1999 Ski Nautique - CURRENT
2013 Waksetter VLX - SOLD
2011 Ski Nautique 200 - SOLD
2008 210 Team - SOLD
2007 196 - SOLD
2007 211 Team - SOLD
2004 Moomba Mobius - SOLD
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
I recently had the fuel pump die on my '08 211, dealer replaced under warranty.
He said there was a foreign substance in the high pressure filter, said it was some white stuff might have looked like a fine plastic ( his description ).
Also he would have given me the pump to replace myself if I was so inclined. Might be something to ask your dealer about, could save you the 130$